Belle Easterbrooks
The newest member of the household.
You can visit her page here.
Phillip Maxwell Easterbrooks
Phillip is now over one year old.
You can visit his page here.
Teresa Ellen Easterbrooks
Teresa is now Four. Visit
Teresa's page.
Moose on the Lake Road, New Limerick, Maine

Yes, we saw this moose, who was evidently just out for a stroll. She
walked right by the car, so I snapped a couple of pictures!
Bob was a Software Engineer for GTECH Corporation for 11 years. His page contains some Lego information, as
well as links to several fun and informative Web sites for TV, Lego, "Weird Al" Yankovic, and the
internet, among others.
If any Catholics are visiting this page, you may wish to check out our
Catholic Calendar.
Updated 2003 JUL 14
Designed and Created by Bob & Linda Easterbrooks
Copyright © 1995-2003, Robert & Linda Easterbrooks. All rights reserved.